There are so many dance pads, which one should I buy?
Carrying a variety of dance pads, we want to be able to give customers the choice to choose a dance pad based on their frame of reference. Dance pads are available for all level of users and purposes. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user or simply using it for exercise.
- Soft Dance Pads:
- Shop: Regular or Non-Slip
- Soft dance pads are great for beginners to practice with and casual in home use. It's thin, made of plastic and can be used for simple exercising or training to advance your skills in DDR.
- Foam Dance Pads:
- Shop: Deluxe Dance Pad
- Foam Dance Pads are great for users leaving the beginners level and advancing to an intermediate level. The dance pad acts like a sleeve and 1" foam inserts are placed inside which provide stability and durability for users.
- Metal dance Pads:
- Shop: Metal dance pad or Arcade Metal Pad
- Metal dance pads are constructed with metal to resemble the arcade versions. The features of a handle bar are optional. Metal dance pads provide the most duability and stability suited for advanced useres and/or heavy excercising.